Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What the so called ACCUSED have to go through …


People who are trapped into such cases have to suffer many hardships and harassment from influential people who get the authority to do anything immoral, unethical and even illegal against the innocent family … Following is just a summary of what some of them have faced …

    1. Extortion in the name of out of court settlement

    2. Extortion in the name of maintenance, sreedhan recovery etc

    3. Ordering of interim maintenance but refusal to accept the amount to be able to blame the hubby of non compliance

    4. Ordering the hubby to submit his pay slip when he has already mentioned that the harmful wife has approached his home and ex employer and harmed him/ his family

    5. Without considering even Prima Facie presence of violence, granting relief to the woman who has trapped a complete family into false litigations. And relief amounting worth such a high amount which would be enough to sustain the woman and her complete family at the cost of the innocent hubby.

    6. Subjecting the family of the hubby to physical and mental harassment that too in presence of police/public.

    7. Cases being prevented from going to evidence stage through illegal “further investigations” for around 2 years. Strangely multiple applications are accepted and ordered in the same subject matter at the same place.

    8. Many cases pending in different courts for a crime that was never committed !!!!

    List is long…. and items still being added to it … will keep increasing till HUMARASANGHARSH is on ….

    Innocent people are arrested for no fault of theirs. These so called fighters for Womens’ rights, can they imagine how it feels if their sisters and mothers are arrested without any reason and are produced in the court like criminals ? Is this an attempt to eradicate crime or rather one to produce more criminals from these oppressed beings who have to go through physical and mental harassment under the pretext of women empowerment ?

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